Suggestions for Harmony
SMILE… You’d be surprised how many people feel warmed and happier because you smiled.
TALK… Communication gives one the feeling of belonging.
MEDITATE… Tune into the powers within so that your life becomes more serene and productive.
WORK… Pride in constructive accomplishment with joy for the opportunity to share your worth.
FREEDOM… Cherish, protect and never take for granted.
CONTROL… Be more tolerant and trustful of your fellowman.
LOVE… Let tenderness and affection flow freely from your being.
There are always exceptions to all rules, sometimes a rotten apple in the barrel will contaminate others, but the only way to get along in life is through understanding, love and faith in each other. Life is like a contract – only as good as the intent behind it.
Pride in constructive accomplishment with joy for the opportunity to share your work.
The Great Invocation
From the point of light within the mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men
Let light descend on Earth
From the point of Love within the heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ return to Earth
From the centre where the will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Master knows and serves.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the plan of earth
If we live by laws and principles that orientate us to a spiritual way of life, we can help to bring peace, harmony and joy to all life – human, animal and plant kingdom – and so to the environment of our planet.
Pax Dei
Grant us Thy Peace, O God of Peace and Love.
Who dwellest in the Shining worlds above
Grant us with Thee forever to abide,
Where is no night nor falling eventide.
Till that Day break, and earth’s dark Shadows cease.
O God of Peace and Love, Grant us Thy Peace, Thy Peace, Thy Peace