The communion with spirits goes back to history’s earliest pages.

Many aspects of communication are mentioned in the Bible, Noah hearing the voice of God, and being told to build his ark, Joseph, the earthly father of Christ, being told in a dream by an Angel, to take his wife Mary and baby son Jesus, and to flee into Egypt, to avoid Herod’s intention to kill all babies under two years.

Nostradamus used his ability to obtain information as to future events through his gift of sight. Mother Shipton, a renowned prophetess heard voices from childhood, and made predictions of great magnitude, many which are just coming true in this modern age. The list of communication with angels, spirits and God is endless in our past.

Spiritualism as we know it was magnified by the Fox sisters in the 1800’s when they gave vivid accounts of their communication with spirits. This in turn led to a wide interest in the subject and before long Séances and contact sittings were being held in all the best houses in Europe, and especially in the United Kingdom, where in Victorian times Spiritualism became widely acclaimed.

Of course like all things it was widely open to abuse and many charlatans were soon making a great deal of money from the aspect of peoples wish to contact their lost loved ones on the other side.

Interest in spiritualism spread worldwide and eventually even here to Australia. The interest gradually became a movement and people set up groups and Churches catering for people who wished to look outside of conventional religion, which had always taught through the church, of a God of wrath and damnation, and that the result of failure to comply to the church teachings would be purgatory.

People of all ages and nationalities began to explore their own values, and to look at the idea of personal responsibility, to indeed take hold of their own thoughts and lives.

After passing the soul must reflect on their own journey of life, meaning, when we pass, we leave the physical body and the mental state behind, but then returns to the source and has to look at everything said and done in this lifetime, and deal with any aspects which need attention.

It is very certain that no amount of last rights and absolution before death, by the clergy will wipe out deeds/actions done in life. They will still be very firmly there for the soul to look at, when we reach the other side.

Bright Blessings