Become A Member

Membership relates to ACSCOA’s “Ordained Ministers”. Membership is open to all who accept the philosophy and rules of the Association, regardless of race, colour, creed, age, gender or sexual orientation.

Who pay Membership fees which are due and payable1st January of each calendar year.

The Ministers paying these fees must be accepted and ordained, under the authority of ACSCOA and its Nominating Authority.

It is expected that any member have this same philosophy and they promote and support the awareness, study and/or practice of Spiritualism.

All membership requests are subject to the Nominating Authority’s approval after completion and submission of the relevant forms and qualifications.

Details and credentials must be substantiated and an interview with the Nominating Authority or Regional Head is required.

ACSCOA also holds an Annual Conference to update education, discussions and networking for its members.

If you would like to become a member, please complete the “ACSCOA Membership Application Form” and return to ACSCOA for assessment.

Membership Application Form